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sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2015

Data center - Principais tendências

Top data center industry trends of 2016

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Alguns pontos de destaques:

...Geografia importa mais do que nunca...

...no futuro, 60% a 65% dos ativos de TI estará fora do local e da equipe de TI...

...ser capaz de mover ativos e dados para novas instalações rapidamente...

...terá de acompanhar a gestão dos Data Center distribuídos não gerenciados pelo meu próprio povo...

...Data Center diferentes e diferentes infra-estruturas irá forçar a encontrar novas ferramentas para monitorar a segurança e desempenho...

...Convergência e infraestrutura definida por software e são outras tendências da indústria de Data Center

Top data center industry trends of 2016

The future data center will continue to be hybrid -- not just part of a hybrid cloud.

Coordinating a vast landscape of people and infrastructure will soon be a regular part of data center managers' jobs, one of the many changes predicted by IDC for 2016 and beyond.

In its latest FutureScape look at data center industry trends, analyst firm IDC in Framingham, Mass., said that planning the location of data center resources will become a "critical requirement" while maintaining control over the staff to manage it all.

"Geography matters more than ever -- where you place these data center assets," said Richard Villars, vice president of data center and cloud at IDC, and one of the authors of the Worldwide Data Center 2016 Predictions report.

The location of customers, business activity and plans to expand to new geography will increasingly influence data center decisions, he said.

Hybrid IT is the management of various environments in various locations, often run by a combination of staff and outsourced workers, Villars said.

"For many companies, the past three to four years have been the trip to the hybrid cloud," Villars said. "The next three to four years are about moving to a hybrid IT world."



That new hybrid IT world will involve diverse assets in an enterprise's own data center, as well as third-party data centers.

"How do we change the role of the data center team and IT team?" Villars said. In the past, data center managers have focused on buying equipment, plus managing facilities and equipment in their own data center and third-party data centers. But in the future, 60% to 65% of IT assets will be off-site and the IT staff will need to manage all of it, he said.

"You'll have to continue to refine your data center selection, governance and performances processes," Villars said. Data center teams will take on new jobs and need to evaluate partners, as well as provide consistent management and security across all internal and external access points, he said.

Those internal data center teams must find providers that offer more than facilities and equipment, but have "transformative" teams with various skills, including software developers.

One of the most challenging data center industry trends will be the monitoring needed for data centers around the globe, said Frank Wichlac, vice president at Acxiom IT in Downers Grove, Ill.

"It isn't just one location anymore, it is all over," Wichlac said. "It is not your building, it is everything that brings IT together and you have to take responsibility for all of it."

An inside-outside world

Data center managers will also need to bring together the people running their data centers, whether it is staff or outside vendors.

Outside companies will provide some of those management and configuration tasks, Villars said. The challenge for IT organizations will be to manage multiple data centers with multiple sources of staff.

As more companies rely on service providers for staffing, data center managers will increasingly face the job of managing the movement and security of data -- whether it is on premises or off premises.

"Your staff and the staff your partners provide to help deliver new service and new capabilities ... [are] increasingly critical," Villars said.

The job of data center staff at enterprises will be to organize and synchronize people to make sure all teams are functioning and performing efficiently, he said.

Agile has long been a term associated with software development, but it will soon become an equally important quality in the data center, too, Villars said. Agility for the data center will mean being able to move assets and data into new facilities quickly, and also getting the financing in place.

The new data center environment will soon take center stage, said Adrian Nowik, technology manager at Pan American Energy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

I will need to monitor the management of distributed data centers not managed by my own people; I will need to pay more attention to that.
Adrian Nowiktechnology manager, Pan American Energy

"I will need to monitor the management of distributed data centers not managed by my own people; I will need to pay more attention to that," he said.

Different data centers and different infrastructures will also force Nowik to find new tools to monitor security and performance.

Convergence and software-defined infrastructure are other data center industry trends that will also become "more critical," and the move toward it must happen faster, Villars said.

Some of the new hyper-converged offerings in 2016 and 2017 will drive data center consolidation for the data center and its staff. Hyper-converged and software-defined infrastructure will accelerate the use of managed services to do basic administration and configuration, as well as shift staff time toward "value-added business services" and managing all the data that is being created.

"This has major consequences for data center facilities and data center deployment," Villars said.

Data center staff will need to be more aggressive about automating discovery, provisioning and location tasks, he said.

"We can't rely on individuals walking through the building looking for space and power," he said. "We need systems to be self-identifying and self-discovering."

  • Robert Gates asks:

Data center ideas that got lost in translation

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Mídias de armazenamento: 50 anos de história

Mídias de armazenamento: 50 anos de história - TecMundo

Um pouco de história...

Vale a pena a leitura.

Mídias de armazenamento: 50 anos de história

Você já parou para pensar no que poderia ser armazenado em um disco rígido de 5 MB? Uma música? Alguns textos? Nada muito importante. Sim, é difícil imaginar a vida cotidiana sem pensar em gigabytes e terabytes, mas há 50 anos, era assim que o mundo da informática vivia: baseado em 5 megabytes de espaço em disco.
O ano exato era 1956 e a IBM havia acabado de lançar o então moderníssimo IBM 305 RAMAC, um computador nada portátil que pesava algo em torno de 1 tonelada (1000 Kg). De lá para cá, muita coisa mudou, é óbvio, e o que o usuário mais tem percebido – mesmo analisando apenas os últimos dez anos – é a relação inversamente proporcional entre tamanho e capacidade.

Agora o portal Baixaki traz ao usuário algumas informações muito interessantes acerca da história das mídias de armazenamento, tanto no campo musical, quanto nos campos fotográfico e digital, relembrando os principais dispositivos criados para o carregamento de dados e também algumas curiosidades sobre esses elementos tecnológicos.

A História do armazenamento

Da cera ao iPod...
Hoje é difícil conhecer alguém que não possua um MP3 player ou qualquer outro reprodutor digital de mídias: 2 GB, 4 GB...Isso parece pouco em alguns momentos, as mídias armazenam horas e mais horas de canções sem repetições, mas isso nem sempre foi assim, há muito tempo a história era bem diferente.

Um dos primeiros formatos de mídia musical, o cilindro fonográfico, inventado por Thomas Edison, era composto de estanho e podia ser reproduzido apenas três ou quatro vezes. Devido à pouca durabilidade foi criado um outro cilindro, de cera, que durava mais e possuía maior qualidade.

Os saudosos discos de vinilEm 1895, os cilindros foram substituídos por discos de goma-laca, que eram tocados em 78 rotações, possuíam mais potência sonora e armazenava até 44 minutos de músicas.

Já no século XX, na década de 30, foi criado o sistema de gravação em bobinas, ou fitas de rolo, ou seja, fitas plásticas que podiam guardar os áudios de maneira eficiente para a época. Tendo em média 16 cm de diâmetro, as bobines foram inspiração para a posterior fita cassete, que tinha a grande vantagem de ser extremamente portátil e podia tocar até uma hora inteira.

Dos discos que passaram a ser produzidos em vinil até as fitas magnéticas, muito tempo passou, até que em 1982 os primeiros CDs começaram a ser comercializados. Eles possuíam a vantagem de serem gravados digitalmente, possibilitando melhores equalizações e, por consequência, maior qualidade na reprodução, que chegava a 80 minutos.

Hoje, o que impera no mundo da música é o iPod (e alguns outros tocadores de mídia digital), pois a capacidade de armazenamento é gigantescamente superior. Um iPod de 120 GB pode guardar o tempo de reprodução equivalente ao de 3829 discos de vinil; 3663 minidiscs; 2808 fitas cassete ou 2106 CDs.
Das câmeras instantâneas ao cartão de memória...
No século XX houve a expansão dos mercados consumidores e as câmeras fotográficas começaram a fazer parte da vida cotidiana de muitas pessoas, mesmo das que não faziam parte da elite. Logicamente o sucesso não foi algo rápido, sendo gradativamente alcançado. Durante anos, as câmeras de foto instantânea imperaram no imaginário popular, até que as primeiras câmeras com filme de revelação posterior foram lançadas.

A maioria dos filmes podia armazenar entre 12 e 36 fotos que, em seguida, seriam reveladas e lotariam os álbuns fotográficos que suportavam cerca de 100 fotos e ocupavam algo em torno de 800 cm³ nos armários das famílias.

Álbuns de fotos

Se esses álbuns forem comparados aos primeiros disquetes, já se pode começar a perceber o quanto a digitalização facilitou o armazenamento das fotografias, pois um disquete de 3,5 polegadas poderia guardar até 50 fotos em baixa resolução.

Isso era só o começo, afinal um disquete tinha capacidade de apenas 1,44 MB. Já pensando em mídias mais modernas, como flash drives e cartões de memória, acoplados às câmeras digitais que já não são mais alimentadas por filmes químicos, e sim por memória eletrônica, a comparação parece ainda mais absurda.

Um cartão de memória SD (Secure Digital) ou mSD (Micro Secure Digital) pode chegar a armazenar até 4000 fotos nos 2 GB de memória interna, sem chegar a ocupar espaço físico significativo.

Pensando em uma unidade de armazenamento de 120 GB, o acervo de fotografias poderia chegar a 31 mil fotos, ou então a um disco rígido de 2 Terabytes, em que 680 mil fotos poderiam ser guardadas, o equivalente a 6800 álbuns de fotografias; 28 mil filmes e mais de 1 milhão de disquetes.Do RAMAC ao pendrive...
Como contado no início do artigo, há pouco mais de 50 anos eram necessários computadores de mais de uma tonelada para que o armazenamento de 5 MB fosse possível. O tempo passou, os computadores foram diminuindo e as capacidades aumentando de maneira inversamente proporcional.

Já foram lançados discos rígidos de 200 MB a 2 TB e não param de surgir novos modelos. É difícil imaginar o que seria dos usuários hoje, com menos de 80 GB, assim como é impossível pensar em como seria o mundo da informática de 50 anos atrás, se já houvesse a memória de terabytes.

Discos rígidos

Mas talvez o maior trunfo já atingido pela indústria da informática esteja na mídia portátil. Assim como nos dispositivos fixos, os avanços tecnológicos nos armazenadores portáteis diminuíram as dimensões e aumentaram exponencialmente as capacidades de memória.

Até os anos 80, o famoso "disquetão" de 5,25 polegadas e 1,2 MB era o mais usado para transportar dados de um computador a outro. Pouco tempo depois foi lançado o disquete de 3,5 polegadas e 1,44 MB, que tinha mais vantagem pela estabilidade (os "disquetões" estragavam com uma facilidade incrível) do que pela memória em si.

O tempo passou e os computadores pessoais passaram a ser vendidos com drives leitores de CDs, que possuíam 700 MB, o que representava uma enorme capacidade de memória, se comparados com os disquetes, que ainda não haviam sido abandonados, devido aos preços altíssimos dos gravadores de CD. Quando estes tornaram-se populares, as pequenas unidades flexíveis de 1,44 MB foram sendo gradativamente deixadas de lado.

Mas os avanços tecnológicos não pararam por aí. Em 1996, exatos 40 anos após o surgimento do RAMAC, foi lançada uma nova mídia muito semelhante aos discos compactos: era o DVD (Digital Versatil Disc), que podia armazenar até 4,7 GB e, posteriormente, com o DVD de camada dupla, 8, 5 GB.

Chegam a 2 TB

Desenvolvido numa parceria entre Toshiba, Philips e Sony, o DVD foi popularizado como uma mídia cinematográfica, pois a funcionalidade mais explorada pela indústria foi justamente a de reprodução de filmes. Sendo assim, além dos CDs, o DVD também foi o algoz de outra mídia muito importante para a história da tecnologia, as fitas VHS.

Quando os 8,5 GB começaram a ser pouco para tanta qualidade gráfica, a indústria cinematográfica ganhou um novo parceiro: o Blu-ray. Lançado oficialmente em 2006, foi a primeira mídia a suportar resoluções altíssimas e áudio de alta qualidade em discos únicos.

Os discos Blu-ray podem possuir 25 GB ou 50 GB (quando de camada dupla), sendo pouco utilizados para transporte de dados, já que o processo de gravação é um pouco demorado e a qualidade é idêntica à de DVDs.

Os dispositivos que mais cresceram nos últimos anos, exclusivamente pela capacidade, facilidade e velocidade no transporte de dados, foram os pendrives, que outrora foram limitados aos 32 MB de memória e hoje já chegam a armazenar mais de 128 GB, sendo as mídias portáteis mais eficientes da atualidade. Em questões de memória, ficam atrás apenas dos discos rígidos, que podem armazenar terabytes.

PendrivesUm pendrive de 128 GB pode ser comparado (em questões de capacidade interna) com: 28 DVDs; 187 CDs; 91 mil disquetes de 3,5 polegadas ou 109 mil disquetes de 5,25 polegadas. Um disco rígido de 2 TB pode armazenar o conteúdo de 17 pendrives desses.

Além disso, outra forma de transportar dados de forma segura – mesmo que não tão portátil – é através do uso de HDs externos. Eles geralmente são acoplados a gavetas externas e conectados aos computadores através de cabos USB.

Por enquanto o processo de transferência de arquivos é um pouco lento, pois a velocidade de resposta dos USBs é limitada, mas num futuro próximo - com o surgimento de tecnologias como o Light Peak - o processo pode ser bem mais veloz.

Até aonde iremos chegar?
Analisando a enorme evolução tecnológica que ocorreu nos últimos 50 anos, surge uma dúvida que é recorrente às mentes humanas: em 1956, uma tonelada armazenava 5 MB, hoje 2 milhões de MB podem ser armazenados em menos de 100 g. Até onde isso poderá evoluir? Chegará um dia em que as mídias serão ainda mais reduzidas? Ou a internet ficará tão rápida que não serão necessários os transportes físicos? Deixe sua opinião.

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quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2015

Cloud Computing - A virada do jogo

Cloud Computing - The Game Changer »

Mais um post que repercute as previsões e contextos para o futuros...

Vale a leitura. 


Global Cloud Index

In October, Cisco released its Global Cloud Index (GCI) report for 2014-2019, projecting a near 3-fold growth of global data center traffic, with predictions that this traffic will reach 10.4 zettabytes per year in 2019 and 80% of it will come from the Cloud. It's predicted that the Middle East and Africa will show the highest Cloud traffic growth at 41% CAGR, followed closely by Eastern Europe (38% CAGR), and North America (33% CAGR). Cloud computing has already revolutionized the way we live and do business, but it's evident the evolution has just begun.


Cloud Drivers

Cisco predicts that the development of IoT will notably increase cloud traffic growth as a broad range of IoT applications generate data that may reach 507.5 zettabytes per year in 2019. Today, the majority of IoT data is stored on individual devices, but that could change with the evolution of big data analytics and application demand.

Cisco's GCI also projects that Software as a Service (SaaS) will be the most adopted and popular service model for cloud workloads by 2019, increasing 14% between 2014 and 2019, but Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) workloads and Platform as a Service (PaaS) workloads of the total cloud workloads will drop.

Cloud Mobility Changing our Lives



Cloud is encouraging the uptake of gaming with its broad reach as well as the power to provide high speed and optimum hardware requirements to anyone. And with new applications developing for almost every industry, including healthcare, insurance, and education, the Cloud is literally gamifying our lives.

Information Overload

While the Cloud is likely to make maintenance and repair easier as Cloud-based apps alert users of failures and connect to the net for self-repair procedures, we are also likely to find ourselves inundated with notifications, reports, advice, and warnings. Add to this, marketers will be taking every opportunity to tailor shopping experiences and develop relationships, so advice and suggestions aren't likely to be in short supply.

Making You Smarter

Of course, as the Cloud turns mobile devices into supercomputers, we'll have access to more information to make smarter decisions, having the power to analyze almost any information wherever we are. Moreover, the possibilities for IoT devices that make us more intelligent are endless.

Remove Business Constraints

As small- and medium-sized businesses leverage the Cloud, geographical and budget constraints will fade with the benefits of scalability. Businesses won't need to deploy on-site infrastructure to run operations and will, in days, be able to go global and keep up with much larger companies.

Healthier Homes

With the flourishing home health monitoring market, public and private Cloud will make our homes healthier. As the Cloud provides doctors with wireless patient monitoring, valuable data can be analyzed for the creation of better treatment plans.

The Babel Fish

Cloud computing is already providing mobile-device users with accurate speech recognition that may fade language barriers almost as well as Douglas Adams' Babel Fish. We might not have long to wait for a software able to recognize and then translate audio over a mobile device, providing users with real-time translation services for all their calls.

Not matter the industry or region, Cloud is changing our lives in dramatic and exciting ways. Do you have any ideas or hopes for the next big Cloud innovation? Let us know in the comments below.

By Jennifer Klostermann

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quarta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2015

Cloud e IoT - Alucinações em Zettabytes

Cisco argues worldwide cloud traffic will reach 8.6 zettabytes by 2019 - Cloud Tech News
Os gigantescos e assustadores números, quando se fala em Cloud e IoT, não param de fazer parte das previsões alucinantes.

No post abaixo, temos mais uma visão de  onde e como se espera chegar... 

507,5 zettabytes por ano de tráfego de IoT.

10,4 zettabytes por ano de tráfego de Cloud de Data Center, poderá saltar a 40 zettabytes se não houver a modernização da rede (SDN e NFV).

É ou não assustador? 

Veja outros post sobre o assunto acessando os links abaixo;

IoT e Cloud - A internet das coisas decola para a nuvem. 

#Cloud #Iot - Cisco predicts Internet of Things will generate 500 zettabytes of traffic by 2019. http://avisara.blogspot.com.br/2015/11/cloud-iot-cisco-predicts-internet-of.html?m=1

Segue post originalmente publicado em: http://www.cloudcomputing-news.net/news/2015/oct/29/cisco-argues-worldwide-cloud-traffic-will-reach-86-zettabytes-2019/?utm_source=hootsuite

Cisco argues worldwide cloud traffic will reach 8.6 zettabytes by 2019


Global cloud traffic will more than quadruple between now and the end of 2019 from 2.1 to 8.6 zettabytes (ZB), according to research from Cisco.

The findings, which appear in the firm's latest Global Cloud Index study, put a variety of reasons for this explosion in growth, from the continued popularity of public cloud services in the business domain, the increased degree of virtualisation in private clouds, and growth of M2M connections.

A zettabyte is 10 to the power of 21 bytes, approximately equal to a thousand exabytes or a billion terabytes. To put it another way – as Cisco described back in 2011 – an exabyte would have the capacity to hold more than 36,000 years of HD quality video. So theoretically, a zettabyte would be able to hold 36 million years of video. Better make sure you're comfortable before diving into that particular boxset.

Yet the large numbers don't stop there. Cisco also predicts the Internet of Everything (IoE) will generate a mind-bending 507.5 ZB per year – 42.3 ZB per month – by 2019. The repositories for the storage of data will continue to change as the years progress, with the networking giant arguing that by 2019, the majority (51%) of stored data will not be on the PC, but on smartphones, tablets, and M2M modules among others.

In terms of global data centre and cloud traffic, annual global data centre IP traffic is projected to reach 10.4 ZB by the end of 2019, up from 3.4 ZB last year. But the strain of the traffic going through the data centres is likely to be mitigated by technologies such as software defined networking (SDN) and network functions virtualisation (NFV), Cisco explains. Lower data centre tiers could carry over 40 ZB of traffic per year.

The numbers just keep going up and up; by 2019, consumer cloud storage traffic will be 1.6 gigabytes per user per month, compared to 992 megabytes per month last year. Cisco also predicts that by 2019, 55% of the consumer Internet population – more than two billion users – will be using personal cloud storage, up from 1.1bn in 2014.

These numbers aren't as explosive, showing both the reach of cloud technologies currently and the potential user base it can still tap into, as Doug Webster, vice president of service provider marketing at Cisco explains.

"The Global Cloud Index highlights the fact that cloud is moving well beyond a regional trend to becoming a mainstream solution globally, with cloud traffic expected to grow more than 30% in every worldwide region over the next five years," he said.

"Enterprise and government organisations are moving from test cloud environments to trusting clouds with their mission-critical workloads. At the same time, consumers continue to expect on-demand, anytime access to their content and services nearly everywhere," Webster added. "This creates a tremendous opportunity for cloud operators, which will play an increasingly relevant role in the communications industry ecosystem."

Of course, we now play the waiting game to see if these exciting predictions come true. Have hope, though, that these targets may even be conservative; in 2011, Cisco argued "today we live in a world of petabytes and exabytes, but we'll need to add the term zettabyte to our vocabulary by 2015."

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terça-feira, 17 de novembro de 2015

IoT e Cloud - A internet das coisas decola para a nuvem.

The Internet of Things Lifts Off To The Cloud »
Segue mais uma postagem que aborda o futuro de Cloud, IoT e o rastro de informações que serão parte importante deste contexto.

Dentre as informações disponíveis na postagem, como um mantra, destacamos os números revelados para  provocar sua mente e dar-lhe um visão do futuro que vem sendo moldado.

Os números são gigantescos, assustadores!

...Todos os meses, 328 milhões de coisas estão sendo conectado à internet ...

... 127 novos dispositivos on-line a cada segundo...

...em uma década, todos os veículos na terra será ligado à Internet das Coisas...

...Não é apenas a casa ou o carro. Cada aspecto de nossas vidas, a partir do militar para a agricultura, energia, educação e saúde serão remodeladas pela conectividade dos dispositivos...

...44 zettabytes de dados serão trocados entre dispositivos... Uma previsão menor que a da Cisco (500 zettabytes de tráfego IoT até 2019), mas não por isso menos gigantesca.

Onde serão armazenados ?

Em outro post meu, diante de algumas expectativas de volumes, fiz um alerta que reforço novamente...

Em se confirmando  os volumes que dia a dia vem sendo revelado, é de se imaginar que um dia, quem tiver HD em casa, será cobiçado para armazenar os dados da #cloud (névoas) e dos rastros dos dispositivos e sensores da IoT.... 

Tem  HD, pendrives e etc em casa?  Não se desfaçam deles......

Boa leitura...


The Staggering Size And Potential Of The Internet of Things

Here's a quick statistic that will blow your mind and give you a glimpse into the future.

Every month, 328 million things are being connected to the internet... Click to Tweet

When you break that down, it translates to 127 new devices online every second.

In only a decade from now, every single vehicle on earth will be connected to the Internet of Things (IoTs), according to Mobile Future, an association of cutting-edge technology and communications companies.

And while that's impressive, it's only a shadow of where technology and the sector is going.


(Infographic Source: Mobilefuture.org)

The scale of the changes sweeping in and reshaping every aspect of our lives is phenomenal. Study after study delivers jaw-dropping numbers about the potential impact from the Internet of Things, and we're only getting started.

Wearable Technology Use Doubling Each Year

Multinational software company Adobe speculates that almost 87% of consumers still know very little about the rapidly advancing connected future. Wearable technology is one of the areas where consumers are gaining awareness, thanks in large part to the marketing reach of Apple and the launch of Apple Watch in 2015. As the year comes to a close and more and more companies launch wearables, mainstream awareness grows. Mobile Future suggests that the amount of wearable technology in use is doubling every year and 71% of consumers say that wearable technology has improved their health and fitness.

wearble tech

But if health and fitness are at the cutting edge of the internet of things, it's the connected home that really gets tech wizards and investors salivating. "Nearly three-quarters of homeowners said they want a self-adjusting thermostat, according to a new survey from Icontrol. That finding makes smart thermostats the most coveted device, ranking slightly above home monitoring cameras, internet-connected door locks and automatically adjusting lights.''

And not far behind those devices, is the arena of entertainment where projections are of a staggering $56 billion market by 2018.

Shawn DuBravac is an analyst who is extremely bullish about the dawning of this connected age, or what he calls "the Internet of me". The author of Digital Destiny lists the ''5 pillars of our Digital Destiny" as being ubiquitious computing, cheap digital storage, constant connectivity, a proliferation of devices and the 'sensorization of technology. Right now, those pillars are converging and are being realised. Speaking at the 2015 Consumer Electronics Show, DuBravac foresees "an even bigger universe of products, consisting of everything from internet-connected thermostats to smart toothbrushes. Within a few years, he says, the market for such products will reach 50 billion devices, compared to the current smartphone market of 2 billion units."

It's not just the home or the car. Every aspect of our lives, from the military to agriculture, energy, education and health will be reshaped by the connectivity of the devices within the sectors. 44 zetabytes of data will be exchanged between connected devices by 2020, a number that defies imagination.

The Next Gold Rush

The Internet of Things has captured the imagination of businesses worldwide who are foreseeing the next gold rush and are determined to be a part of it. 94% of all businesses have seen a solid return on their investment into IOT and the upside is still enormous, according to Adobe's CMO.

In fact, only 0.06% of things that could be connected to the Internet currently are, which means 10 billion things out of the 1.5 trillion that exist globally are currently connected. The McKinsey Global Report estimates that this could all end up adding $11 trillion per year to the global economy by 2025

This is what it feels like to be standing on the edge of a brave new world.

By Jeremy Daniel

Enviado do meu iPhone

IoT e Cloud - A internet das coisas decola para a nuvem.

The Internet of Things Lifts Off To The Cloud »
Segue mais uma postagem que aborda o futuro de Cloud, IoT e o rastro de informações que serão parte importante deste contexto.

Dentre as informações disponíveis na postagem, como um mantra, destacamos os números revelados para  provocar sua mente e dar-lhe um visão do futuro que vem sendo moldado.

Os números são gigantescos, assustadores!

...Todos os meses, 328 milhões de coisas estão sendo conectado à internet ...

... 127 novos dispositivos on-line a cada segundo...

...em uma década, todos os veículos na terra será ligado à Internet das Coisas...

...Não é apenas a casa ou o carro. Cada aspecto de nossas vidas, a partir do militar para a agricultura, energia, educação e saúde serão remodeladas pela conectividade dos dispositivos...

...44 zettabytes de dados serão trocados entre dispositivos... Uma previsão menor que a da Cisco (500 zettabytes de tráfego IoT até 2019), mas não por isso menos gigantesca.

Onde serão armazenados ?

Em outro post meu, diante de algumas expectativas de volumes, fiz um alerta que reforço novamente...

Em se confirmando  os volumes que dia a dia vem sendo revelado, é de se imaginar que um dia, quem tiver HD em casa, será cobiçado para armazenar os dados da #cloud (névoas) e dos rastros dos dispositivos e sensores da IoT.... 

Tem  HD, pendrives e etc em casa?  Não se desfaçam deles......

Boa leitura...


The Staggering Size And Potential Of The Internet of Things

Here's a quick statistic that will blow your mind and give you a glimpse into the future.

Every month, 328 million things are being connected to the internet... Click to Tweet

When you break that down, it translates to 127 new devices online every second.

In only a decade from now, every single vehicle on earth will be connected to the Internet of Things (IoTs), according to Mobile Future, an association of cutting-edge technology and communications companies.

And while that's impressive, it's only a shadow of where technology and the sector is going.


(Infographic Source: Mobilefuture.org)

The scale of the changes sweeping in and reshaping every aspect of our lives is phenomenal. Study after study delivers jaw-dropping numbers about the potential impact from the Internet of Things, and we're only getting started.

Wearable Technology Use Doubling Each Year

Multinational software company Adobe speculates that almost 87% of consumers still know very little about the rapidly advancing connected future. Wearable technology is one of the areas where consumers are gaining awareness, thanks in large part to the marketing reach of Apple and the launch of Apple Watch in 2015. As the year comes to a close and more and more companies launch wearables, mainstream awareness grows. Mobile Future suggests that the amount of wearable technology in use is doubling every year and 71% of consumers say that wearable technology has improved their health and fitness.

wearble tech

But if health and fitness are at the cutting edge of the internet of things, it's the connected home that really gets tech wizards and investors salivating. "Nearly three-quarters of homeowners said they want a self-adjusting thermostat, according to a new survey from Icontrol. That finding makes smart thermostats the most coveted device, ranking slightly above home monitoring cameras, internet-connected door locks and automatically adjusting lights.''

And not far behind those devices, is the arena of entertainment where projections are of a staggering $56 billion market by 2018.

Shawn DuBravac is an analyst who is extremely bullish about the dawning of this connected age, or what he calls "the Internet of me". The author of Digital Destiny lists the ''5 pillars of our Digital Destiny" as being ubiquitious computing, cheap digital storage, constant connectivity, a proliferation of devices and the 'sensorization of technology. Right now, those pillars are converging and are being realised. Speaking at the 2015 Consumer Electronics Show, DuBravac foresees "an even bigger universe of products, consisting of everything from internet-connected thermostats to smart toothbrushes. Within a few years, he says, the market for such products will reach 50 billion devices, compared to the current smartphone market of 2 billion units."

It's not just the home or the car. Every aspect of our lives, from the military to agriculture, energy, education and health will be reshaped by the connectivity of the devices within the sectors. 44 zetabytes of data will be exchanged between connected devices by 2020, a number that defies imagination.

The Next Gold Rush

The Internet of Things has captured the imagination of businesses worldwide who are foreseeing the next gold rush and are determined to be a part of it. 94% of all businesses have seen a solid return on their investment into IOT and the upside is still enormous, according to Adobe's CMO.

In fact, only 0.06% of things that could be connected to the Internet currently are, which means 10 billion things out of the 1.5 trillion that exist globally are currently connected. The McKinsey Global Report estimates that this could all end up adding $11 trillion per year to the global economy by 2025

This is what it feels like to be standing on the edge of a brave new world.

By Jeremy Daniel

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