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quarta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2015

10 Tecnologias Emergentes que moldam nosso futuro

Top 10 Emerging Technologies Changing Our Lives
Segue post relacionado às Top 10 tecnologias que estão  moldando nosso futuro. 

Algumas delas já fazem parte de nosso cotidiano sem serem percebidas pelo "pobres mortais ".

Top 10 Emerging Technologies That Could Transform Our Future

The world is changing fast. Faster than any time in the human history. For example, it took fifty years for one in four Americans to adopt electricity. Then, it got faster. It took thirty years for the same number to utilise the radio. Then, even faster. Eighteen years to "accept" the colour TV. Thirteen years for mobile phones and only seven for laptops. That's how fast the world is changing.

We see changes in education, agriculture, energy, banking, health and even in fashion. There is hardly anything that is not changing. But all these changes would not be possible without one "ingredient". The technology.

Here is our selection of top 10 emerging technologies. Ten technologies that will affect your life – within the next five years – without a shadow of a doubt.

1. Top 10 Emerging Technologies – Big Data

Top 10 Emerging Technologies - Big Data

Cisco expects "Big Data" to become a $50 billion industry by 2017

"Big Data" is a term used to describe datasets whose size is beyond the ability of traditional databases. However, the term's meaning has changed over the last few years. Nowadays, "Big Data" not only refers to the data you create but also the "tools" that capture, store, and analyse this data.

Cisco expects "Big Data" to become a $50 billion industry by 2017 and investments in "Big Data" to reach between $75 to $85 Billion by 2020.

It sounds a lot. But there is a reason behind. The Internet of Things, wearable tech and all related industries are dependent on the "Big Data" in a way or another. All these new "industries" produce data that has to be stored and analysed.

The amount of data generated every day grows at a tremendous rate. On the other half, the cost of data storage has declined, year by year.

To give you a better idea how important "Big Data" is, I have some statistics for you: We generate 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day. That is 2.5 followed by 18 zeros. All that data, properly used can change save lives, eradicate diseases, stop world hunger. That is how important the "Big Data" is.

2. Top 10 Emerging Technologies – Internet of Things

Top 10 Emerging Technologies - Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is transforming the everyday physical objects that surround us into an ecosystem of information that will enrich our lives.

You can imagine IoT as an invisible network, made from the physical objects or "things" around you. Objects you see at work, at home, in the car, etc. These objects will be "embedded" with smart, connected sensors one day. Sensors connected to the internet, capable of collecting and exchanging the data. With you, with other smart objects, with your doctor or your insurance for example.

I already have smart sensors in my home and, in my car. Lights go off when I leave my home and turn back on when I return. I can turn the heating on from my mobile even if I am abroad. My car unlocks the doors on my proximity and when I touch the driving wheel the engine starts. Oh, yes, the fridge. I have a relation with my fridge.

It is true, my fridge messages me more often than my partner but no, it is not that kind of relationship. My fridge lets me know if any of the food expired or if I need to replenish the stock.

We are now in 2015 and there are not many devices connected to the internet. From a Cisco press release, de' Medici gathered that only 1% of IoT devices are "networked".

99% Of The Things In The Physical World - Not Connected https://goo.gl/GnWt8F 

— Laurenti de' Medici (@laurentimedici)

Still, by 2022 Intel believes that there will be a network of 50 billion connected objects. Yes, that's right. 50 billion IoT devices.

3. Top 10 Emerging Technologies – Robotics and AI

Top 10 Emerging Technologies - Robotics and AI

Roboticists are nowhere near achieving this level of artificial intelligence, but they have made a lot of progress with more limited AI.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the most exciting and the most controversial field in robotics. Still, roboticists are nowhere near achieving a human level of artificial intelligence. Saying that, in recent years we have made a lot of progress with the "limited" AI.

The ideal AI would be a replica of the human thought process. Like a man-made machine but with human intellectual abilities. This man-made machine will have the cognitive level to learn anything, just like us. Will have the capacity to reason, the ability to use a language and the power to formulate original ideas. Maybe even fall in love, who knows?

Soon, robots will play a larger role in our daily lives. In the coming decades, robots will "leave" the industrial environment and scientific labs and come into our daily lives. A slow "migration" that will start with utilitarian robots like autonomous vacuum cleaners, kitchen helpers, etc. A gradual process. If you like, just as the computers took over our homes in the 80's.

4. Top 10 Emerging Technologies – Augmented Reality

Top 10 Emerging Technologies - Augmented Reality

With the help of advanced AR technology, the information about the surrounding real world of the user becomes interactive and digitally manipulable.

The more we decipher the neurochemistry of lived experiences, the more we understand that in fact, we don't "sample" any objective reality. Sounds confusing? Well, think this way: Your perception creates your reality and the world around you influences your perception. Certain smells, sounds or images can make you see the same "reality" in different ways.

Augmented reality (AR) allows an "enhanced" view of the "real-world." Reality enhanced by augmented elements, generated by a computer and its sensors such as sound, video, graphics, etc. A "reality" that is digitally manipulable and interactive.

AR is seen as one of the emerging technologies to reshape the way we interact with the physical world and the gaming industry. Companies like Google, Facebook and even META are looking to capitalise on the AR market. We expect the AR consumer products to hit the markets starting with the first quarter of 2016.

5. Top 10 Emerging Technologies – Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMs)

Top 10 Emerging Technologies - Microelectromechanical Systems

MEMS is a technology that in its most general form can be defined as miniaturised mechanical and electro-mechanical elements.

Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems, consist of micro-computers with tiny mechanical devices such as valves, pumps, gears, and actuators. Like a mini robot if you like.

One thing you didn't know is that MEMs technology is already in your car. It is the "accelerometer" system inside the airbag. Thanks to recent developments in chipsets we expect a big wave of MEMs in healthcare in 2016.

6. Top 10 Emerging Technologies – Biotechnology

Top 10 Emerging Technologies - Biotechnology

Biotechnology has advanced to such a point that crops are able to be developed that are drought-resistant and have better vitamin content and salinity tolerance.

In simple terms, biotechnology is tech based on biology. Thanks to biotechnology we now understand biomolecular and cellular processes that help us develop products that improve our planet and our lives. Biotechnology is still at the beginning despite reaching new heights in the recent years. It is true, we now have plants that are drought-resistant, crops with better vitamin content and salinity tolerance.

We can now combat rare diseases, decrease the environmental footprint. We'll have the power to get rid of the world hunger. And this is just the beginning, imagine the power of harnessing the microbes for example.

7. Top 10 Emerging Technologies – Nanomaterials

Top 10 Emerging Technologies - Nanomaterials

Two key factors cause the properties of nanomaterials to be special: their quantum effects and their structure.

Nanomaterials are materials made from particles of nanoscale dimensions, produced by nanotechnology. The components measure below 100 nm. What makes nanomaterials unique are their two key characteristics. Their structure and their quantum effects.

By their structure, nanomaterials have a greater relative surface area than other materials. This attribute can improve certain properties in target objects, such as the strength or the reactivity of that material. Also, the quantum properties of nanomaterials can affect the electrical, magnetic or optical performance of the "target" objects.

Current applications include healthcare (in targeted drug delivery, regenerative medicine, and diagnostics), electronics, cosmetics, textiles, information technology and environmental protection.

8. Top 10 Emerging Technologies – Terahertz Imaging

Top 10 Emerging Technologies - Terahertz Imaging

Terahertz Imaging is being used to detect explosives that were previously considered to be invisible, as well as in path planning for self-driving cars.

Terahertz Imaging is a new technology that can detect explosives previously considered invisible. It also "helps" in path-planning for self-driving cars. Terahertz Imaging "extends sensory capabilities by moving beyond the realm of the human body."

The market for Terahertz devices is predicted to grow by 35% per year annually and to reach more than $1.4 billion by 2020.

9. Top 10 Emerging Technologies – 3D Printing

Top 10 Emerging Technologies - 3D Printing

3D printers are making tremendous strides and is already a $3.1 billion industry that is growing by 35% each year.

3D Printing is the process of "making" a three-dimensional object from a digital file on your computer using a special printer. The materials can be anything, from plastic to metal and more recently human cells. The 3D printed objects that we use in healthcare, fashion, auto industry, etc.

The process is simple. The printer is laying down successive layers of material until the entire object is ready. You can see the layers as thin, horizontal, cross-section slices that "put" on the top of each other.

3D printing is already a $3.1 billion industry. An industry that is growing by 35% each year. An industry that will "touch" all future aspects of life. In 2015, we already see 3D printed fashion accessories and 3D printed organs. By 2020, we will have 3D printed houses and internal organs.

10. Top 10 Emerging Technologies – Advanced Energy Storage And Generation

Top 10 Emerging Technologies - Advanced Energy Storage And Generation

The need for advanced energy storage technologies is growing by the minute as new incredible developments emerge continuously.

I have left this tech the last for one simple reason. It is not only technology that needs power. The need for advanced energy storage technologies is growing as a direct consequence of new tech developments and population growth.

At the same time, we see significant improvements in battery technology in the last five years. Green products are more incentivised, cold fusion power could become viable by the end of 2020 and solar energy has also developed considerably.

In the 19th century, it took Britain 150 years to double its GDP per capita. In the 20th century, it took the U.S. 50 years. In the 21st century, it will take China and India just 15 years. Yes, the world is changing fast and technology development is the main reason.

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domingo, 8 de novembro de 2015

Modelo mental por trás do poder no Vale do Silício.

What Silicon Valley Really Thinks About Politics, An Attempt To Measurement (In 14 Graphs) | Gregory Ferenstein | LinkedIn
Bastante interessante a leitura do post abaixo para entender o modelo mental por trás do poder no Vale do Silício.

....as pessoas são descritas como idealistas: a crença de que há sempre uma solução melhor que beneficia a maioria das pessoas e reduz conflito. 

....muitos fundadores rejeitam sindicatos, soberania, regulamentação, o governo menor e militarismo e assumir algum conflito de interesses entre cidadãos, governo, outras nações e corporações.

...a  filosofia do Vale do Silício é que as crenças políticas e morais são baseados em um idealismo exagerado sobre a natureza humana, da sociedade e do futuro. Tendem a acreditar que toda a mudança a longo prazo acaba por ser bom. Da mesma forma, eles rejeitam a noção de que há conflitos inerentes de interesses entre cidadãos, o governo, empresas ou outras nações.

Sei.... Não me iludo com toda essa hipocrisia... Todo este "romântimos" é verdadeiro desde que não "compliquem" os  negócio ou afetem o poder do "Clubinho do Vale"...

A competitividade velada que demonstram publicamente, nos porões do Vale é substituído por corporativismo e protecionismo puro!

Chega de comentários !

Leiam e tenham suas próprias conclusões.

What Silicon Valley Really Thinks About Politics, An Attempted Measurement (In 14 Graphs) 

Five sentence takeaway: This is a chapter from a data-driven series about Silicon Valley's unique political ideology: a pro-business liberalism, which
Read more... 
Shared via LinkedIn Pulse 

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#Cloud - Considerações de design

Web Host Industry Review

Vale a pena a leitura.

...cada organização terá suas próprias necessidades para uma boa implementação de nuvem. 

...a computação em nuvem pode ser uma poderosa plataforma para ajudar as empresas a se tornar muito mais ágil.

5 Design Considerations for Cloud Computing

We're beginning to evolve the term "cloud" into "cloud services." There are more use-cases, more architecture components, and a lot more business utilizing some kind of cloud service. With that in mind, one of first things to understand is that cloud computing is actually a collection of technologies which all must work together to facilitate the cloud platform. Once that's established, IT teams must be aware of what all of those components are and how they interact to make the cloud work.

Organizations looking to adopt a cloud model must diligently research the solution and ensure that there is a good business use-case in place. Without a good underlying infrastructure and with poor planning, a cloud model can actually be a hindrance and become difficult to manage. Although there are many moving parts to a cloud model, the following are some of the most important infrastructure components:

  • Hardware. At the core of the cloud is virtualization. Having a virtual platform creates an agile and resilient environment which is capable of dynamic scalability – precisely what the cloud requires. In creating a cloud platform, selecting the right type of hardware will make all of the difference. From some SME organizations looking to deploy a small-footprint private cloud solution, a few rack-mount servers might work fine. However, for larger companies, the selection process is a lot more detailed. Many administrators are looking at the modern Blade Chassis infrastructure to help create a scalable cloud solution. With a good blade chassis, administrators can actually "virtualize" their hardware and span setting almost immediately between other chassis which haven't even been configured yet. Furthermore, granular control over resources, the servers, and physical hardware are all benefits in working with a chassis system. There is direct ease in rapid provisioning and de-provisioning of both physical and virtual resources when incorporating an intelligent blade chassis system.
  • Storage. A major component of a cloud solution will be the storage platform. As mentioned earlier, virtualization is usually at the heart of any cloud deployment. Natively, some virtualization workloads, especially when tied to the cloud, can be resource intensive. In working with storage, it's imperative to select the right platform for your organization. Storage can be very expensive, so conducting the research prior to any cloud deployment must happen. A good storage infrastructure must be capable of scaling with both the needs of the IT environment and the organization's vision. Under-sizing a storage controller can have serious repercussions on not only cloud workloads – but users utilizing that storage array for other purposes as well. In some cases, Flash or SSD technologies may need to be used to help offload heavy IOPS functionality. Make sure you understand the user, what they will be accessing and the scale of your cloud in order to select the right type of storage system for your organization.
  • Bandwidth. This consideration must happen at both LAN and WAN levels. There must be enough internal network throughput to properly facilitate cloud and virtual workloads. Then, once outside of the network, there must be enough WAN-based bandwidth to support optimal user performance. Poor bandwidth planning can result in a bad end-user experience and degrade the environment. Depending on the type of cloud environment being designed, administrators should be aware of what they are delivering, the distance that information must travel, and how many concurrent users will be accessing the infrastructure at once.
  • Virtualization. As mentioned earlier one of the core elements of a cloud platform is virtualization. This can be desktops, application storage, and even user virtualization. Administrators can virtualize their servers, delivery applications through an application virtualization engine and push full desktops through VDI. The beauty of current computing technologies is that all of these virtual components can be delivered via the cloud. Virtualization creates a very agile environment capable of fast resource provisioning. All of this combined works to help support the end-user more effectively – both internally and externally.
  • Delivery methodology. One of the great benefits of cloud computing is the flexibility with the end-point. IT teams must be aware that data, information and workloads can be delivered to almost any device with an Internet connection. Or, if the device is brought into the corporate setting, administrators are able to push applications and even desktops to that device this is where IT consumerization and BYOD can really benefits from a solid cloud platform. In creating a cloud environment, IT administrators must be aware where they will be delivering corporate information and how that session will be controlled. Remember, information is stored at the data center level. However, depending on the device and what the user is accessing, administrators may want to limit or block certain types of content. In situations where mobile, tablet and personal devise are to be used – IT managers may want to consider deploying complementary Enterprise/Mobile Device Management solutions.

Remember, each organization will have its own sets of needs for a good cloud deployment. Whether that model is a private, public or hybrid cloud – having a solid deployment plan can make all the difference. When all of the above parts are properly controlled, and, the business vision is clearly established – cloud computing can be a powerful platform helping businesses become much more agile.

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sábado, 7 de novembro de 2015

#cloud #IoT - Mantra

As notícias relacionadas a #cloud e #IoT são como  mantras...

.... Na computação em nuvem se  prevê "um mundo híbrido" com ambas as nuvens públicas e privadas. 

...Muitas empresas não nasceram com a nuvem e estão trabalhando com sistemas legados e terá que decidir quanto ao ambiente de nuvem.

... A quantidade de dados gerados pelo fenómeno da Internet das Coisas, irá fornecer oportunidades e desafios significativos na segurança, vai transformar o mundo.   

Cloud computing, cybersecurity, and the Internet of Things

President Joseph E. Aoun on Thursday hosted EMC Corporation Chairman and CEO Joseph Tucci and Amit Yoran, president of RSA, EMC's security division, for an engaging discussion about trends in high tech and the challenges for creating an open, secure, and technologically enabled society.
The hourlong conversation touched on many topics, as Aoun and students, faculty, and staff in attendance in the Egan Research Center posed questions on everything from cloud computing and cybersecurity to the Internet of Things.
Massachusetts-​​based EMC is a global leader in information technology, and was founded by two Northeastern alumni: Richard Egan, E'61, H'95, and Roger Marino, E'61, H'96. The company is also a longstanding supporter of Northeastern's signature co-​​op program.
Tucci led EMC through a period of dramatic revitalization, transforming the company's business model from a focus on high-​​end storage platforms to a federation of businesses. Yoran, for his part, is responsible for developing and executing RSA's strategic vision.
On cloud computing, Tucci said he envisions a "hybrid world" with both private and public clouds. Many companies, he said, weren't born with the cloud and are working with older legacy systems and thus will need to be taken on a journey to this cloud environment.
"I see cloud computing being a combination of privatized and public clouds, and that's where our strategy fits in, to help customers through that journey," Tucci said.
On cybersecurity, Yoran asserted that the industry has failed to shift from the mindset of defense to one that instead focuses on helping companies and organizations operate, manage, and prioritize within an environment that will inevitably be breached. To keep up with the constantly evolving tech industry, he said, RSA is focused on several key areas it sees as the critical needs in the near future: authentication, identity management, access management, and governance.
Toward the end of the discussion, Aoun asked both guests to address the Internet of Things, referring to the network of physical objects—including smartphones, appliances, and wearable devices—that are embedded with software and sensors and are connected to the Web and each other.
Tucci said the massive amount of new data generated by this phenomenon will provide significant opportunities and challenges in security. Yoran agreed.
"It's going to transform the world," he said. "When it comes to security, lest you entrepreneurs in the audience feel like there isn't any opportunity in the security world, we've just started to scratch surface of the challenges we're going to see in the next five years."

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Estou fazendo minha parte...

Estou fazendo minha parte..

E você ?

"Não podemos prever o futuro, mas podemos criá-lo"
Peter Drucker

sexta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2015

quarta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2015

#Cloud #Iot - Cisco predicts Internet of Things will generate 500 zettabytes of traffic by 2019

Cisco predicts Internet of Things will generate 500 zettabytes of traffic by 2019 | SiliconANGLE

É de se imaginar que um dia, quem tiver HD em casa, será cobiçado para armazenar os dados da #cloud (névoas) e dos rastros dos dispositivos e sensores da IoT.... 

Tem  HD, pendrives e etc em casa?  Não se desfaçam deles.

Boa leitura...

Cisco predicts Internet of Things will generate 500 zettabytes of traffic by 2019

If CIOs think that they have trouble dealing with the increase in unstructured information now, then they should wait until 2020 comes around. A new global traffic forecast from Cisco Systems Inc. that crossed the wire this morning predicts the amount of data coming off the connected universe will nearly quadruple over the next five years to a humongous 507.5 zettabytes per annum.

That rapid growth will occur on the back of an even faster rise in the number of objects hooked up to the web, which a separate study the switching kingpin published earlier this year expects to pass the 50 billion mark in the same time frame. Cisco anticipates that the resulting increase in Internet usage beyond traditional end-points will see the bulk of personal data move onto connected devices.

First in line to benefit from that are file synchronization providers such as Dropbox Inc. and Box Inc, which the new traffic report predicts will see the average user consume over 1.6 gigabytes of cloud storage by 2019 compared to just under a gigabyte today. That can largely be attributed to the limited capacity of mobile devices and wearables, but it's also reflective of the broader increase in use of online services.

Cisco forecasts that total cloud consumption will quadruple within the next five years to account for 8.6 zettabytes of traffic by the end of 2019, much of which will originate from organizations moving more and more of their workloads off-premise. That mass migration is set to make a deep impact on both ends of the supply-demand equation.

Enterprises are set to transfer 56 percent of their applications and data to the public cloud, while providers, for their part, will step up investment in their  infrastructure to keep up with the usage increase. As a result, the study estimates that the number of workloads running on any given server in a cloud data center will increase from an average of 5.1 in 2014 to 8.4 by 2020.

For reference, that's four times the application density in traditional corporate environments today, but it's not to say that the enterprise is falling behind the data curve.  Cisco believes that on-premise infrastructure will likewise improve over the next few years, albeit in proportion to a much more modest rise in demand than what the public cloud is set to experience.

Workloads will grow 16 percent every year through 2019 behind the firewall compared to 44 percent off-premise, where the study sees software-as-a-service category snatching an additional 14 percent share of the market for a total of 59. That rise will come at the expense of managed infrastructure and middleware, which makes it all too plain why Amazon Inc. and its rivals have become so focused on adding value-added capabilities to their cloud platforms over recent years.

photo credit: gholzer via photopin cc

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#Cloud Computing - #Iot - Internet das Coisas vai quadruplicar o tráfego global na nuvem

Publique! - Cloud Computing - Internet das Coisas vai quadruplicar o tráfego global na nuvem
Para acompanhar....

Publique! - Cloud Computing - Internet das Coisas vai quadruplicar o tráfego global na nuvem

A quinta edição anual do Índice Global de Cloud da Cisco (Cisco Global Cloud Index 2014-2019) prevê que o tráfego global na nuvem irá quadruplicar até o final de 2019, subindo de 2,1 para 8,6 zettabytes (ZB), superando o aumento do tráfego total de data center, que deverá triplicar durante o mesmo período (de 3,4 para 10,4 ZB). Vários fatores são responsáveis por este crescimento acelerado do tráfego e pela transição para serviços na nuvem.

Entre eles estão a demanda por serviços pessoais, provenientes do crescente número de dispositivos móveis; a popularidade dos serviços corporativos em nuvem pública e o aumento do grau de virtualização nas nuvens privadas, com o consequente aumento da densidade de cargas de trabalho. O crescimento de conexões máquina-a-máquina (M2M) também se tornou significativo pelo potencial de impulsão do tráfego em nuvem no futuro.

A Internet de Todas as Coisas (Internet of Everything, IoE) - a conexão entre pessoas, processos, dados e coisas – terá um impacto significativo no aumento do tráfego de data centers e na nuvem. Há uma ampla variedade de aplicações da Internet de Todas as Coisas gerando grandes volumes de dados, que deverão atingir 507,5 ZB por ano (42,3 ZB por mês) em 2019. Um volume 49 vezes maior que o tráfego de data center projetado para 2019 (10,4 ZB).

O levantamento constata que apenas uma pequena parte deste conteúdo é armazenada em data centers, mas isso pode mudar, à medida que a demanda por aplicações e o uso de análises de big data evoluírem (ou seja, análise de dados coletados para a tomada de decisões táticas e estratégicas). Atualmente, diz o estudo da Cisco, 73% dos dados armazenados em dispositivos encontram-se em PCs. Em 2019, a maioria dos dados armazenados (51%) será transferida para dispositivos além do PC (smartphones, tablets, e módulos M2M, por exemplo).

Em 2019, 55% da população com Internet residencial irá utilizar o armazenamento pessoal na nuvem (contra 42% em 2014). Como exemplo, o estudo estima ainda que em 2017, o tráfego global de smartphones (201 EB por ano) irá exceder a quantidade de dados armazenados (179 EB por ano) nesses dispositivos - havendo a necessidade de maior capacidade de armazenamento na nuvem. Colocando em perspectiva, 10,4 ZB equivalem a:

.144 trilhões de horas de streaming de música

. Equivalente a cerca de 26 meses de streaming contínuo de música para toda a população mundial em 2019* 

.26 trilhões de horas em reuniões corporativas via Internet com webcam 

. Equivalente a cerca de 21 horas de webconferences realizadas diariamente por toda a força de trabalho do mundo em 2019 

. Equivalente a streamings diários de 2,4 horas de streaming de filmes em HD para toda a população mundial em 2019 

. Equivalente a cerca de 25 minutos de streaming de vídeo UHD diariamente para toda a população mundial em 2019 

. Equivalente a cerca de 1,4 hora de streaming de vídeo UHD diário, por moradia, em 2019 (2,2 bilhões de famílias no mundo em 2019) 

. 6,8 trilhões de filmes de alta definição (HD) assistidos online 

. 1,2 trilhão de horas de streaming de vídeo em ultra-alta definição (UHD) 

* A projeção da população mundial em 2019 é de 7,6 bilhões de pessoas (fonte: Nações Unidas)

*Com informações da Cisco

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sábado, 31 de outubro de 2015

O que acontece na Internet em um minuto ? - Infográfico

15 Mind-Blowing Statistics Reveal What Happens on the Internet in a Minute [Infographic] | Inc.com
Não tem moleza!

15 Mind-Blowing Statistics Reveal What Happens on the Internet in a Minute [Infographic]

Consider this: Every minute of every day, staggering amounts of data are being generated as consumers connect to, search for, watch, create, download, and shop for content.

Making sense of what all this data means is critical for the success of your company or brand.

So what are the 3.2 billion people who make up today's global internet population doing online?

Business intelligence startup Domo recently released the third installment of their infographic, with 15 mind-blowing statistics for 2015.

Every minute:

  • YouTube users upload 300 hours of video, an increase from 72 hours a year ago.
  • Netflix subscribers stream nearly 80,000 hours of video. 
  • Vine users view more than 1 million videos. 
  • BuzzFeed users watch more than 34,000 videos.
  • Instagram users like more than 1.7 million photos.
  • Snapchat users share nearly 300,000 snaps.
  • Pinterest pinners pin nearly 10,000 images, up from 3,400 a year ago.

Did I blow your mind yet?

Here are five more huge stats:

  • Facebook users Like more than 4.1 million posts.
  • Twitter users tweet more than 347,000 times, up from 277,000 a year ago.
  • Apple users download 51,000 apps, up slightly from 48,000 a year ago.
  • Amazon sees more than 4,310 unique visitors.
  • Uber passengers take nearly 700 rides.

See all 15 statistics here:

Image Credit: Domo Data Never Sleeps 3.0

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27 Fatos marcantes - infográfico

27 Striking Facts Most People Don't Know About Startups [INFOGRAPHIC]

Publicado originalmente em: http://www.coupofy.com/

27 Striking Facts Most People Don't Know About Startups [INFOGRAPHIC]

The world's economy has always been dependent on startups and innovative business ideas, but what does the current landscape look like and who are the driving forces behind today's entrepreneurial race?

The data from 38 trusted sources uncovered interesting facts about dynamics of today's entrepreneurial activities around the world. While the United States keep a top position in number of startups (4.8 million), a huge growth is being observed in emerging countries like India and Brazil where the number of startups has currently reached 2 million or 584,000, respectively. The most interestingly, Uganda has been ranked as the most entrepreneurial country in the world considering that 28.1% of its adult population is involved in the entrepreneurial activities.

What about a government support for startup initiatives? To mention some, Israel hopes to make their country more viable by pumping $450 million in to seed funding and research & development and startups in Chile can apply for a $40,000 equity free grant. Besides domestic citizens, the governments try to attract foreigners with entrepreneurial intentions by issuing lucrative grant schemes and startup visas.

Check out this infographic for more interesting facts!

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Please include attribution to coupofy.com with this graphic.

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